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Lidar Sapir-Hen
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Lab members



Prof. Lidar Sapir-Hen

PI, Head of the Laboratory of Zooarchaeology

Lidar Sapir-Hen is head of the Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures at Tel Aviv University.

She is also the curator of Zooarchaeological Collections of the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History. 





Linoy Namdar, PhD candidate. 2019 - 

Historical zooarchaeology of the Shephelah and Judean hills under the Islamic rule: Villages and urban centers’ economy and trade relations

(co-advisor: Prof. Yuval Gadot)

Linoy also did her MA in the lab.

See in Publications and in for both MA and PhD papers.


Yulia Gordover, MSc student. 2019 -

Understanding human-environment interactions using faunal remains from early Neolithic sites​

(co-advisor: Prof. Tamar Dayan)






Amal Atalla, MA student. 2020 - 

Refugees' lifeways in Masada

(co-advisor: Dr. Guy Stiebel)





David Bilbinder, MA student. 2021 - 

The microfauna from Sfunim Cave 

(co-advisor: Dr. Lior Weissbrod)


Elad Ben Yehuda, MA student. 2022 - 

Identity, Cult and Dietary Habits in Tell Qasile: Analysis of Faunal Remains from Tell Qasile of the Early Iron Age, Strata IX-XII

(co-advisor: Prof. Yuval Gadot)







Nimrod Katzir, MA student. 2023 - 

Human-animal relations at Motza II: The Animal Management Strategy of a ‘Megasite’ in the FPPNB Levant



Shaul Beirach Shva, MA student. 2023 - 

The animal ritual at MB Tel Hazor

(co-advisor: Dr. Igor Kreimerman)



Elana Gerber, MA student. 2024 - 

(co-advisor: Prof. Yuval Gadot)




Ruth Neuman, Lab assistant




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Lab's Alumni

Petunia Fernandes

MA 2023 Animal Economy at Tel Azekah during the Middle Bronze Age and the Nature of the Settlement

(co-advisor: Prof. Oded Lipschits)




Abra Spiciarich

VATAT Post Doc Fellow 2020 - 2021

The Tel Moẓa Archaeozoological Collection: Faunal Remains from an Iron Age Agricultural and Cultic Center in Ancient Judah

PhD 2021 Religious and socioeconomic diversity of ancient

Jerusalem and its hinterland during the 8th-2nd century BCE: A view

from the faunal remains

(co-advisors: Prof. Israel Finkelstein and Prof. Oded Lipschits)

MA 2015 Dietary habits and identity of Early Roman Jerusalem as reflected in the Kidron Valley garbage dump faunal assemblage

(co-advisors: Prof. Oded Lipschits, Dr. Yuval Gadot)

See in Publications 


Elijah Kollin

MA 2020 The Animal Economy of a Border Town:Iron Age II and Persian Period Faunal Remains from Tel Azekah

(co-advisor: Prof. Oded Lipschits)
Linoy Namdar

MA 2019 Human-animal relationships through the remains of animal bones, during the late Pottery Neolithic period in the Southern Levant

Shirad Galmor

MA 2019 The early Neolithic at Ahihud: Between hunters and herders

(co-advisor: Prof. Tamar Dayan)

See in Publications 

Christina Jones

MA 2017 Inter-Regional Connections during the Late Bronze Age as Reflected through the Animal Economy: Azekah- A Case Study.

(co-advisors: Prof. Oded Lipschits, Dr. Omer Sergi).



Miriam Pines

MA 2014 Crusader diet: Arsur (Apollonia- Arsuf) as a case study in war and peace (co-advisor: Prof. Oren Tal). 

See in Publications 

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